My Make Up Routine!
Previously I've been complimented on my make up skills, I think using colours that compliment your skin tone, eye colour and facial features is a positive practice, since my mother always said that, "A little powder can make you feel better on those days!"
You're horrendously hung-over, perhaps you had a restless nights sleep and those dark circles are making you feel more ghoulish than glamorous, do not fear, I am no 'expert' in the cosmetics department however, I do believe I have a way of disguising my blemishes and braving it into society when necessary!
So with out further comment, I shall reveal the products I've been using lately, that won't break the bank...
For a fresh face I begin with a cleanser from LUSH. It is all natural ingredients, since I feel that abrasive soaps and face scrubs make my skin rough and dry, I have been getting on well with this alternative to the potent chemicals present in commercial washes. LUSH are actively seeking other options opposed to the trialling of products on animals and are therefore vegan. The properties of lavender which is a main component of the cleanser has been proven to not only have very calming effects in aromatherapy, but delicate on blemish prone skin. Prior to bed time, if you struggle to get comfortable and nod-off, I do recommend dropping some diluted lavender oil on your pillow, inhaling this will surely aid you in drifting to dreamland.
I apply my make up with disposable sponges, an assortment of shapes I pick up from the pound shop. I use Rimmel Wake Me Up which contains SPF 15. It literally gives me a really nice glow with out being too greasy and the colour matches my skin tone beautifully.
Apparently it has Vitamin C in it too, although in my honest opinion, I think you're better off eating things like satsumas to get your nutrients. It's moisturising and lasts a long time, another two benefits of this product.
Beauty is not about being perfect all the time, everyday.
The only truth I can speak of is that every human deserves to look and feel their best, and if its possible to achieve this using some make up, then I will never convict anyone of it; I think that people who disrespect and offend other women for the way they prefer to present themselves, should keep their comments to themselves. They are not obliged to share and observe the cultures of every other person around them, we are all individuals, with our own stories, tastes and desires.
I have started using self-tan or fake-tan, however you identify with it. I have always admired the brown, just-come-off-holiday appearance, there are certain techniques to getting it right though, and pulling it off correctly meets a fine line between a tangerine and beautifully bronzed, besides beach babe and body builder(!)
Since we're on the subject of artificial tanning, I've featured what I recommend. I use a light to medium shade since I'm naturally quite fair, due to my Eastern-European roots! Please use a washable sponge mitt also, as I ended up with stained hands the first time I did it. Typical.
As for mascara and eye liner, I don't use any thing particularly special, just grab what ever doesn't break the bank. When it comes to make up, I believe that we should not feel defined by a product that we use, we should not allow our consumerism to dictate us, rather, we should enjoy the results and seek to find value in every thing. Also be wise to select products which do not irritate your skin or cause allergic reaction.
The last few mascaras I have used haven't really been anything to shout about, although when I use the ones my mum has given me from her AVON orders, I get quite excited. They have some pretty decent products with a variety of brush shapes and how well they elongate the lashes. For example, my favourite was Super Extend Mascara by AVON, it definitely had the effect I aspired for!
As I write this now, I have been devouring Metcalfe's skinny topcorn, simply being that its one tasty bag of air, on offer in Sainsbury's, though you're always going to be slightly disappointed with vacuum packed snacks, first world problems, *sigh*. I like my herbal teas also, at the moment I have some green tea, it's well renown for being a 'super food' although new studies suggest that there's no such thing and that it's just a marketing craft to lure in the health fanatics. My step father said that red foods are supposed to prevent the growth of cancers; just because someone started something on the internet doesn't mean it's necessarily true. If I heard it from a scientist and saw the evidence myself then I may be a little more convinced, in the meantime, I think I'll stick to my own eating habits. I will continue to eat tomatoes, peppers and beetroot for the taste, regardless.
I wear Natural Collection by Boots (a company genesis of Nottingham may I add) as in, white eye liner for my water line and a brown shade of eye shadow to fill in my eye brows called Asteroid (pictured on right) Its khaki brown which is not very well represented by this photograph from their website.
If you go to the natural collection counter in Boots, they have loads of different shades to chose from to get subtle looks that are easy on the eyes. Besides they aren't expensive so you can experiment more with tones to exaggerate your eye colour. I have hazel eyes, so I use green shades to pigment that area.
As for bronzer, I sometimes apply Makeover Essentials Shimmer Powder Brush. It's a shatter proof design, so if you drop it, it won't make a state of your carpet.
I usually apply Vaseline red lip tint, or Palmer's Cocoa butter lip balm to finish.
So there you have it, a little preview into my conventional, melancholy life ;)