Bed Head & My New Friend
Hello loyal readers! I have to say, that I am really enjoying keeping this blog. Although that may come across as sarcastic, which is generally a problem when it comes to the weird world of words, especially in techie-land, where you can never be 100% sure how serious the sender of your message is being with out the context and aid of emoticons, what I am writing now may seem like it is slightly rehearsed or even bland. Yet this is far from the truth, I always write off the bat and usually in the company of some decent music (by my books) and my infallible research skills, as I don't like to say anything with out doing my homework first, to avoid humiliation for my inaccurate information later. I also do not condemn the grammar Nazis onslaught of correction, need be it. This morning I woke up, as I usually do (in fact, I don't think I've had a day in my life where I hadn't woken up eventually) and I felt a bit rough, unfortunately, I have been suffering migraines ...