The Guilt Trip

We have all been there. Not utterly sure where we are going, who we are actually associating with, what we are doing with our lives, perchance what we want... Furthermore, it being a perennial adventure, with our ambitions churning and our aspirations imaginatively soaring for audacity, it would now seem an ever more presenting task of us to lead the way to an improved version of the future. So what gives? Is it the insurmountable pressure that takes us away from our demise? Is it our souls guiding us or a higher source? Well this is where it begins. The question is clearly that, and we are at no solid conclusions. We cannot continue to blame our selves for the unknown personifications of anxiety and synchronicity that forever flows on a timeless and formless condition. 

It is alluring how so many of us do not appear to be living the lives that we expect, never mind desire. There are thousands of videos online and articles on the web that impose to aid the population in finding their life purpose, how to develop for prosperity and happiness, however from personal experience I have meditated on these schemes and they have had a limited effect, if at all had any avail to me. We are burdened with all the what-ifs and wonders, as to why we fall into the habits and lifestyles that we detect our selves almost unconsciously performing. We wake up with a motive and we go to sleep with ideas. Whatever happens during the time in between those two events is entirely your own subjective reality; you are to a certain extent free to create as you wish. 

Regrettably, due to the rise in austerity, the prejudice of the mass media and indoctrination that these messages render, we are suppressed from self-realisation. It is crowd syndrome at its finest and it requires intense courage to live your dreams and break the mould. Society today is set-up for a reform and as the next generation, it will be our responsibility to handle these matters. If only we could flourish together as opposed to fighting a psychic battle, then the world would definitely be a nicer place. 

I have guilt. Like any one else. For things I did or did not do, for things I did or did not say, that I cannot change. Yet I know the future is a blank canvass, a fresh page, a planted seed. It comes and goes, the "Guilt". Having never taken care of oneself, and always investing my interests in the human race; a severe diagnosis of Weltschmerz. I am not writing this to explain my story. I wanted to suggest a concept that I felt undulated with a lot of people. It is a message to say that it is okay if you are not where you want to be in life, that things can only improve. You have so much time to work on your skills and learn new things. No matter where you are in life there is always opportunity to progress.

Age is just a number, and guilt is just a word to describe an emotion, that is often beyond our capacity to control since we are just chemical reactions in an infinite but harshly dense existence. (!)