Emotional Maturity

1. When you see all your old friends and acquaintances moving on to better things in life and not feel resentful, but perhaps feel genuine gladness for them. That is emotional maturity.

2. When you begin to care less about what your peer groups think and do, and start to feel more concerned about your own direction in life. You stop following cliques or trends to 'fit in' somewhere in this defective society. That is emotional maturity. 

3. When you realise what is important in life for your self, your own priorities shift such as, where you are going to live, what job you want...  You stop allowing others to interfere with your life. That is emotional maturity.

4. When you develop a sense of empathy, but you're strong enough not to be affected by the crisis' of strangers or public affairs, hell even your best mates. That is emotional maturity.

5. When you start believing in your self by ignoring bullies and haters, only to rely on your own ideas and abilities; you wish to invest your time and energy into your own projects. That is emotional maturity.

6. When you are able to cope with the reality of your life, and do not feel an incessant need to share intimate details of it to every body that you know, either in private or on social media. That is emotional maturity. 

7. When you stop comparing your life to other people, for their looks, jobs, partners etc. The act of humility comes in and you feel a lot more at peace. That is emotional maturity.

8. When you cease to use alcohol and drugs to escape real life. That is emotional maturity. (This does not include occasional to moderate recreational use, that is an exception)

9. When you know when it is appropriate to involve your self in an issue of some description, rather than the usual conduct of letting things go. That is emotional maturity.

10. When you are no longer blinded by the charade of the 'high life' and begin to accept the grace of commonplace, that is emotional maturity.