The Liberal Democrats

First things first. Get your self a cup of tea or coffee. Because the Lib Dems are the friendliest and most accommodating party. Alongside their genuine policies and down to earth compassion, they deliver their character with integrity and holisticism. Their minds are concerning real issues and their multiculturalism offers you to vote for something worth talking about, in a non-conformist fashion and they rejoice with an impressive voice bringing justice to millions of families across the UK. They would rather help individuals of the nation, willing to work diligently in order to achieve their dreams, than reap benefits that are only going to serve their own personal agendas, they are more pragmatic than the other parties. For example they are huge supporters of creative enterprises and are big on education, in a more cultivating progression as opposed to the adversity of the Labour and Conservative constitutions. Moreover they fancy teaching etiquette in schools to refrain sex...