Seven Pence

They say if it were easy, everyone would be doing it. I wish to express how important it is remind ourselves daily, that we should not allow societal pressures to overwhelm us too much. That we are all on our own unique path in life, and that you should never condemn yourself for feeling like you haven't achieved enough. That somehow you are behind, or not doing good enough. The reality is, we are all in this gridlocked web of competitiveness, greed and survival. You should never feel guilty for attempting to create conditions that are more comfortable for yourself, because everyone is doing the same thing. It doesn't matter how long it takes you, how many times you fail, as long as you get back up again, fighting, then the world is your playground. See all the immigrants coming to the UK for a nicer lifestyle, for greater opportunities, somewhere to bring up their families in a safer, kinder environment. It is only natural that we want to make ourselves a happier home, and...