The cake is NOT a lie!
One of my philosophical musings, today.
To make this blog more engaging and readable for a wider diversity of audiences, stepping away from stereotypical 'beauty and fashion' blogs, because that has never been my true sole intention.I have to admit it has been a wild journey to get to this point. I could never have prefigured until now, my reflection has become so much more real. I realize I am no super woman. Indeed, there is evidence that supports what I have recently observed in my life, it is not always possible to have every thing we want at any given time. It would seem there are not enough hours in the day! :')
I particularly find joy from discussing extensively around the topics of spirituality, well-being and alternative medicine, such as spirit-science, which you may regard as a hoax or fairly stated ill-informed. None the less, I do consider its legitimacy, for its appeal is personal to my own experiences of life and since I am exploring the many faiths and religions of the world as you read this, I always hold a strong belief, that if we investigate other views other than our own, we will slowly but surely become more accepting and begin to live more harmoniously side by side, street to street, area to area, city to city, county to county, country to country, over seas and 'beyond'.
I feel like we are our own microcosm of thought, emotion and system of sensory translators, we behold our own wisdom and truths about the world and we are responsible for what we do with that knowledge. I think we have the choice and the ability to execute positive or negative energy, to manipulate our surroundings, and who we relate to on a personal and professional basis.
I would not encourage any one to exist too intensely in one state of being. Variety is the spice of life after all. Although routine is safe, reliable and conventional, I really do wish people would warrant themselves to events such as, spontaneous trips, random acts of kindness and trying new hobbies. Only recently I attended meetup groups online, and gathered with strangers to discuss subjects of outside interests to my usual work (my jobs, my course, my other social circles) and have to admit I have totally relished in the spirit of the like-mindedness of these new acquaintances that I never knew lived my own home town.
Sometimes I think life is a paradox and I get frustrated because I lose faith in my own work. I really do think that change is an inevitable part of developing as an individual, after all, we are constantly transforming and learning in order to gradually find our own happy medium, and perhaps we are just going around in circles and ageing with it, besides every thing is synchronized, is that the way it should be? Do you see it that way too? That is why it is fundamental to have different outlets of activity, by trying to break the mold of waking, working, then just wondering.
I am still moved by music, the astonishing British countryside, and the talent of the people I have the pleasure to encounter every day...
Work away, prosper all you may, just remember to save some for a rainy day, after all, the cake is NOT a lie. I still have half a cake here, and I am going to savor it in a semi-triumphant, but grateful manner.