
Showing posts from May, 2015

FONT Festival Kicks Off

...And I sure got my kicks this evening. Matthew Hunt triumphed in his authentic and intimate performance, "Honest" written by DC Moore, truly encapsulates the inner turmoil we each endure throughout our daily lives. He beautifully illustrates hard truths with in this re-enactment, and conveys its messages with passion and sincerity.  To reserve tickets for events link to There are further play-works for us at Lee Rosy's Nottingham again tomorrow, and all across the weekend at various venues, in conjunction with FONT Fest including stand up groups such as The Mouthy Poets and Nonsuch Theatre. Furthermore, The Vaccines new album 'English Graffiti' is definitely worth plugging into to wind down tonight if you're an indie head like me!

The Gift Of Life

I know my last blog entry may have seemed like I was on drugs or not feeling well, but at the end of the day, I think I was suffering an episode of poor-mental health, and at the time, it was a genuine attempt to get my ideas across to you readers and to tickle your imaginations a bit. Although I wouldn't wish any one to be plagued by my daft ideas day in, day out; it would drive you batty! I understand that some people like to read as a form of escapism, or to learn, or for entertainment, and sometimes the things I say or write about tend to bewilder the reader and can make them laugh, or cry. (Hopefully cry with laughter because they are the best kind of tears) Perhaps it gives leeway for bragging rights, I've never considered myself the type of person to narrate my entire life story each day to a bunch of strangers, yet I think that nowadays I have delicately obtained the subtle art of not giving a shit. That is to say, I will share with you what I deem appropriate ...

The cake is NOT a lie!

One of my philosophical musings, today. To make this blog more engaging and readable for a wider diversity of audiences, stepping away from stereotypical 'beauty and fashion' blogs, because that has never been my true sole intention. I have to admit it has been a wild journey to get to this point. I could never have prefigured until now, my reflection has become so much more real. I realize I am no super woman. Indeed, there is evidence that supports what I have recently observed in my life, it is not always possible to have every thing we want at any given time. It would seem there are not enough hours in the day! :') I particularly find joy from discussing extensively around the topics of spirituality, well-being and alternative medicine, such as spirit-science, which you may regard as a hoax or fairly stated ill-informed. None the less, I do consider its legitimacy, for its appeal is personal to my own experiences of life and since I am exploring the many faiths ...

Common Misconceptions Of Beauty

Here I debug the illusions and miscalculations of what it means to be beautiful. 1. Myth: That being pale skinned is not attractive. Truth: If you travel to foreign third world climates, the local farmers will literally beg you to cover your skin since fair skinned people are considered rich as they don't have to work in labouring conditions. On the other hand, in cooler places such as England, a healthy glow suggests that you go on holiday a lot and therefore can afford more trips abroad. Hey-Ho. A lot of red-carpet celebrities are often very white and against treatments such as sun-beds. 2. Myth: That more make-up products applied = better features. Truth: Less is more! I've said this before, but make-up is supposed to accentuate what you already have. Yes we have all seen strangers morph into Kim Kardashian with the art of face contouring, on the other hand, most men would agree that they prefer to see the same face when they wake up to you in the morning, as from the...

Concepts About Love ♥

Hi All! I know it's been a little while, I just wanted to add how I have been caught up with work and my other projects around the blog, therefore I haven't been able to blog as consistently as I would like. Furthermore, I have exhausted a lot of inspiration on my creative photo-documentary which I would perhaps aim to publish this year, however, it is going to be on display at our Broadcast Media, End Of Year Show 2015! There we are going to have all of our finest productions exhibited for your pleasure! In the mean time, here is a journal post from before Christmas that resides on my other blog, that of which I prefer to keep on the DL. (It is rather dark I must admit! A bit like Taoism, though this is the lighter side) It is a good read, please take the time to skim through even if you are busy, as it might enlighten you, it certainly helped me ventilate some mixed thoughts and confusing emotions whilst writing it. I have shared it with one close mate, and decided to air ...