Siblings Shop

This weekend we decided to explore family favourite, high street fashion stores to browse through the ultimate buys influencing fashion enthusiasts, as new inventories were gradually released... Our adventures started in Topshop - it remains one of the nation's most popular destinations for trends and has a particularly niche target market, that generalises in the 'preppy' generation / geek chic. We realised there wasn't a lot of discounted stock, and we recognised reoccurring statements from last year, such as the scallop edged tops, and the more recent hype, turtle neck tops, that felt more in tune with the season. 1950's flaired hems that exhibit feministic expressions, emphasising young ladies frames, hence their malleable material and stretchy soft fabric, such as polyester, acrylic and lyocell. Edgy and bright, we love the white and orange, our chief summer shades We wandered over to the jewellery stands, when I began to waffle-on to my sister a...