Eating, dining and meal times are something that we all contemplate during our daily routines. Whether you leap out of bed for the breakfast bar or prefer someone else to bring it to you whilst you slumber, maybe you crave the quench of a post-workout protein shake... we're all a bit alternative when it comes to eating rituals.
There are the fussy... one may desire to complement their dish with ketchup but will never touch a tomato. Do you know that guy who removes his gherkin from his McDs or the weirdo who licks the dust off their pringles before devouring its crunch... savouring the the flavour of our favourite fooods is personal and certainly not something to be shared with absolutely everyone.
Some aspects of those occasions and habits might be safer kept secret. Some therapists argue that nuturition is our primary relationship; from the first infant interaction with its care figure, we learn that love is provided from those who wish for our best chances of survival and maturity. Therefore it is undeniable that the association between diet and emotion is imperatively tangible.
Psychologist Freud (19th Century) calls this the oral phase, a transitory period from the maternal continuum. This could otherwise be explained by this comparison: A father abandons his family, the daughter develops EDNOS since she used to share dinner time with him present. For lack of communication there is a displacement of the association between the ethereal and physical matters.
Human attachment comes from however it makes one feel. If someone treats another in a particular way, they wil eventually believe that that is the entirety of their worth. Self esteem stems from early nurture, when children are neglected of their fundamental needs, appropriated attention, they immerse themselves in escapisms of other comforts such as gambling, binging on substances and engrossing themselves in their fascination of other phantasy.
Carers sensationalise things to occupy the time and entertain the imagination of such malleable minds, they become dependent and often addicted which is usually always unhealthy because ut isn't used in a way that enables the capacity of the individual.
We all have our demons, hang-ups and insecurities about our status in society, lifestyle choices and general vogue of persona. A character can truly imprint an impression that lasts a lifetime on your world views and opinions about various topics. Once you're introduced to an activity the camaraderie encourages you to endorse yourself in their dogma, although more progressive people might be more selective about which philosophies are attuned to their preferences.
You cannot always predict what will be successful for your direction since everything requires experimentation and exploration. imitation is the biggest form of flattery, so an occupation with a figure or talent is never a queer idea. Sometimes we may feel the quiddity to purge ourselves, relating to attracting suitable conditions. Embracing our Ego is essential to diverging in diversity, in that case we discover and learn more than we anticipated. That is Anthropology(!)📸
"I was adamant that breakfast could be consumed at any time of the day. Logically, break-fast is the scientific term for the interruption of abstinence from food. I had been awake since 6am which was unusual, even by my standards; everywhere felt silent and it seemed like a hungry ghost had been inhabiting my tenement. Abruptly I realised that my peculiar attitude had throttled me into a severe conundrum, that obviously was nothing to be conceited about. I never expected my existence to retrograde into a quarrel over the nature of needs such as food, my spiritual strength susbisting me throughout the dark hours, especially whilst sleep was more desired. As a subordinate addition to my dwelling, I had made it a jovial and rudimentary task as much as possible to not surrender to these cravings." 6 AM Thoughts - V x