To Vape or not to Vape?
I am a smoker of the last 5 years, with intermittent breaks, meaning I have managed to quit almost cold turkey for up to and over a month. Various online resources reveal contrasting statistics claiming that it is roughly 28-60 days to create or break a habit of one form or another, so this is not exclusive to smoking. I have been very serious about my smoking addiction and have gone to extreme measures to counteract the effect, in relation to its causes on my health, lifestyle and image. I have no doubt that the iconography depicting smokers have both a severe impact on our social status (whether we choose to adopt this particular scene or not) let alone our self-esteem or ambitions in life.

It was suggested in another article I found on the web that smokers are more likely to be on a lower-income or incestuous around covert issues. I think that smoking is nothing more than an addiction, I do believe that a person has personal power to quit, however remaining circumstances may not favour their current life style minus the drug. The temptation is adamant as it is always available, therefore quitting smoking requires a lot of mental preparation and considerate planning, when those future moments call for a smoke, those minutes are essentially empty times of the day for which a smoker is casually revolted as to how to spend it in an alternative reality to smoking.
I haven't tried everything to stop, yet I can say that previously I have taken on an exercise regime and a different diet in an attempt to swear off any cravings, especially when it comes to regulating my hormones and homoeostasis. In other contexts, some smokers defend their habit by questioning negative feedback to acknowledge that they are fine to be a smoker, that it gives them something that another dependency could not implement. Perhaps a sense of company, a relief or experience of an unknown or indescribable nature; for who are non-smokers to judge the lifestyles of smokers, for most whom have never smoked
Nicotine is as addictive as Heroin according to some research, on the contrary I argue that each addiction is unique to itself, as every feeling is subjective to the individual. Smoking is not necessarily the same as another drug/ addiction but similarities show patterns such as impulsiveness, obsession, unconscious action, and confusing 'normal' needs or desires, such as human interaction, housing/domestics, physiological/psychological health and finance.
I can confirm that it breaks my heart a little when I see youth smoking, and more popularly nowadays 'vaping' on the streets in groups. I suppose our culture and society hasn't transformed as much that kids are avoiding this altogether, after all nobody can know exactly what incidents unveil themselves behind closed doors.
Is this the core reason as to why young people get involved with smoking in the first place? As an act of escapism or simply a desire to socialise in a way they trust will make them impetuously mature?
My E Cig has a changable voltage setting and is compatible with most atomiser coils. When I inhale the vapouriser, I cannot help taste metallic, like I have just eaten a hand full of pennies. May be its a conspiracy. It reminds me of all the money I have spent on tobacco so to aid me in giving up all together.
In another version, I bought a bottle of E-Liquid from Home Bargains for £1 at 16mg. I realise that even standard pre-rolled ciggies are only containing 0.9mg Nicotine and that the dose of nicotine present in the liquid is substantially higher, so is that the fools gold in order to make these companies a profit? I digress.

It was suggested in another article I found on the web that smokers are more likely to be on a lower-income or incestuous around covert issues. I think that smoking is nothing more than an addiction, I do believe that a person has personal power to quit, however remaining circumstances may not favour their current life style minus the drug. The temptation is adamant as it is always available, therefore quitting smoking requires a lot of mental preparation and considerate planning, when those future moments call for a smoke, those minutes are essentially empty times of the day for which a smoker is casually revolted as to how to spend it in an alternative reality to smoking.

Is this the core reason as to why young people get involved with smoking in the first place? As an act of escapism or simply a desire to socialise in a way they trust will make them impetuously mature?
As for the recent rise in the vaping business, there have been some concerns that the devices themselves are not 100% safe for their intended use, and the liquid has not been thoroughly tested under the Food Standards Agency as an indigestible product. (With out cutting corners, you are burning E numbers - an additive usually for enhancing flavour - in a dubious electronically charged ergonomically designed steel tube!) Since the E Cigarette is a substitute for smoking tobacco, they assert that they are a healthier means to getting your adaptation of nicotine.
My E Cig has a changable voltage setting and is compatible with most atomiser coils. When I inhale the vapouriser, I cannot help taste metallic, like I have just eaten a hand full of pennies. May be its a conspiracy. It reminds me of all the money I have spent on tobacco so to aid me in giving up all together.
In another version, I bought a bottle of E-Liquid from Home Bargains for £1 at 16mg. I realise that even standard pre-rolled ciggies are only containing 0.9mg Nicotine and that the dose of nicotine present in the liquid is substantially higher, so is that the fools gold in order to make these companies a profit? I digress.

Personally speaking, I'd like to switch between the two as and when appropriate. We all need to take regular breaks in our daily lives, and no body has the right to dictate how a person takes their time out in doing so. Unless your free intervals include activities immediately harmful to others such as killing sprees then people begin to worry... Yet frankly is the tobacco industry a tool of mass murder or does it offer a long-term option of euthanasia to hundreds of thousands of disturbed citizens, then I beg to differ, surely that is the agenda of tobacco? It kills something like 500,000 people every year in the USA.