In Other Words
I am disappointed to hear about people saying that they are in a process of ''reinventing themselves''... End of relationship, New Employment, New Years Eve, Summer season. Purely because during this transformation, in essence they could lose who they truly are. Besides, if we are supposed to love ourselves unconditionally, then why should we be attempting to alter parts of us that essentially generates who we already are? Individuals.
Furthermore, I believe that we must be vigilant of what we feed our brains, not just by the products we purchase or the food we eat, the drugs we use or the people we meet, but in our private containment. The media which we digest and the company we hunt, moulds our very character from the inside-out.
For example, there are certain developments during puberty. The nature or nurture debate springs up especially in concern for ages 0 - 12, alas the terrible teens as it were, would be arguably the creation of a persons life and future. Generally speaking they are given a little more freedom with each milestone; caregivers acceptance of their need for personal growth and new experiences. They say we learn best from doing it ourselves. Nevertheless it is suggested that we are what we attract, we allow into our atmosphere that of which we are willing to tolerate, accept or work with. So should it be the parents to answer for a young persons activities during this ascension towards adulthood or that of the institutions?
As we age we are permitted greater responsibilities whether we enjoy it or not. Choices we make from finance to how we spend our time influence the future. Both aspects of these compliant rules of the planet, allow us potentially infinite possibilities, universally and systematically. Now that may have been a bit of a generalisation, however it is not a suggestion that every person is completely to blame for their direction or displacement of values. Others have a huge effect on our journey and therefore we cannot waste our mind-space tormenting ourselves with unnecessary anxieties.
It really depends on the person or their situational circumstances, yet commencing a point of collected memory and skills, a person should feel confident to go out into the world and use those abilities and ideas to their best advantage.
It would seem that the rat race is only in our immediate thoughts(!) Although it doesn't really exist if you behold the integrity to care for a long term plan. You must select "some thing" to live by specifically whether that be your social ranking, a competitive job, your romantic partner, pleasure in consuming things, travelling to other countries, or your success as a parent. Likewise some body else is in a perpetual crisis; your issue/s as difficult as it may be, you are only struggling as equally as the next person about different problems just with the same emphasis. Do not let the illusion of others 'running circles' around you put you off doing some thing that you are passionate about or going your own way; at the end of the day we are all exhausted, in debt, worried about the future still as marvelled by life as ever.
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2009 |
Furthermore, I believe that we must be vigilant of what we feed our brains, not just by the products we purchase or the food we eat, the drugs we use or the people we meet, but in our private containment. The media which we digest and the company we hunt, moulds our very character from the inside-out.
2015 |

As we age we are permitted greater responsibilities whether we enjoy it or not. Choices we make from finance to how we spend our time influence the future. Both aspects of these compliant rules of the planet, allow us potentially infinite possibilities, universally and systematically. Now that may have been a bit of a generalisation, however it is not a suggestion that every person is completely to blame for their direction or displacement of values. Others have a huge effect on our journey and therefore we cannot waste our mind-space tormenting ourselves with unnecessary anxieties.
It really depends on the person or their situational circumstances, yet commencing a point of collected memory and skills, a person should feel confident to go out into the world and use those abilities and ideas to their best advantage.
Worry less. Do more.
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Southampton Harbour |
1. Opinions or impressions of you from respective peers. You are not what others think or feel about you.
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Second Life |
2. The past and the future. For one cannot be changed, those actions have happened; the latter is in constant question, for it is impossible to know the entire future even with precise planning.
3. Ifs and buts... Comparing options and the fine-print of decisions with unknown outcomes. After all people use a lot of words, although action is often occurring behind the scenes. Laissez-faire.
4. Identity issues. A relationship with your self, is a very important part of your well - being. If your mind is occupied with the troubles or routines of others then your vision of your own life becomes foggy and confusing. You have to have a goal and focus on that until it is achieved; it may then welcome akin paths to follow in your chosen expertise in the big wide world. Not trying is the first step towards failure. Despite previous affairs, lingering traumas or mistakes, there is never a good time to quit on your dreams.
In Addition to these statements I wanted to share an animation (from the creators of Wallace & Gromit) This portrays the impression a lot of us reserve about life and people, especially this screenshot here of the workplace.