
Political Correctness

  They say the majority cannot be wrong however I believe that they can. It is a condition called “Crowd Syndrome” whereby an opinion which grows in popularity becomes an innate truth. In relation to this conception of political ideology, we usually find that the results are further damaging to our country's future. Every year there has been a decline in our economy and the quality of our public services; Brexit, the coronavirus pandemic, and the leadership that our democracy never represented.  The word of the MPs cannot be heeded with confidence since they consistently fail to deliver. Things go wrong when you trust the wrong people. It is insanity to believe that taking the same actions repeatedly will construct different results. We can call this “Mass Hysteria” of the public, in addition to the amount of paranoia that is instilled in our communities, dividing the common good of all nationalities.  Listening to the lies of parliament have damaged the conscience of society, peop

The Girl Who Cried Rape

  There once was a girl, who dated many boys, as she was popular and attractive to an abundance of them. Eventually, the girl began to contemplate whether the boys were dating her for who she was as a person, or whether they had alternative motives. Candidly, she sighed to herself, “Perhaps they were only seeing me for my aesthetic beauty.” In her disdain and distress, she decided in a frantic panicked moment of drunken confusion to report these boys to the police. “I was RAPED, I have been sexually assaulted!” The police took these allegations very seriously. They arrived at her home very shortly after the telephone call. She had had all the confidentiality of the partners she had shared her intimacy with, therefore she had hoped the feelings were mutual regarding the consensuality, however she couldn’t ignore the instinct that she had probably and most likely been taken for a fool. It had been reiterated to her that she had been taken advantage of, and that was not normal or true lov

Nirvana is a Life Sentence...

 Hi, one year, one beer. Thought I would stop at that. I thought it would alleviate my ailments, I thought wrong. It can exacerbate your qualities, positive and negative. Nobody has taught me correctly, that is, how to ****ing live. Music has always stayed with me & I will never leave it. Some peoples arrogance has pushed me into despondency however I won't blame them for their humaness. I wish that I was "normal". I don't usually write in this style but the punctuation has an effect ;) *thought* what is Class? I am changing my AUDIENCE. Universal/equal/neutral interest in whichever passion may encapsulate your soul. I will see you to the end... just make your mind up (see ) for EXPLANATIONS.  Everything I wrote/write comes from the Heart, it is hard to perform your passion once someone has stolen it... Dialled 101. Reported a TikTok for Identity Fraud - more like ITP (intellectual property theft)  I share knowledge all the time but th

The Quality of Integrity

Honesty is a characteristic and a value that most people consider a requisite for successful interactions and moral fundamentality. When someone gives us reason to mistrust them, the damage is usually permanent. Unfortunately, our society rarely rewards honesty. Most of the media we consume is laced with a subliminal context and an ulterior motivations. Either to inform, persuade or entertain, and of these three the agenda of the publisher is undoubtedly influenced by money or popularity, succumbing to both in traditional business models. The popularity brings in the bacon and trending topics generate conversations which lead to new ideas designed to profit on the current affairs. So everyone sort of wins, especially where information and entertainment are involved, but except when there is a deficiency of integrity. As consumers, we're complaisant whilst companies provides us with our expectations, however as soon as there is a sign of a breach in that exchange, its quite possible

Perspective of a Buddhist Hedonist

If it is said to be negligible that one should not become jaded about living for your passion, then can any of us really have too much of a good thing? Playing with your children or pulling an 'all-nighter' undoubtedly incurs averse health affects! Sometimes the things we love are bad for our health, such as convenience food, cigarettes and some cosmetic products containing potentially harmful toxins; should you care to perform an analysis of all the chemicals, the notion begins to feel a bit nauseating. On the other hand, manufacturers are constantly investing their profits into redesigning their product to deliver an innocuous result, organic to the generation whom secure their household brand names. Supplementary studies such as foreign languages or skills compositional i.e. musical instruments is said to be a benefactor in pleasuring potential guests or private time in solitude, but additionally postpones the assailment of diseases which effect the memory.  There is pleasur

Contradictions to Conception

I don't usually write to persuade a winning opinion, or make myself compete for reasons of debate, since I believe everyone's view is valid and deserving of respect. As unbiased research and fair investigation entails with a broad assortment of comments, I think that we are conflicted when we attempt to admit any thing which may offend or provoke negative ideas, despite perhaps genuinely having faith in them. As the years have elapsed, I noticed my school friends take their relationships to the next stage, in the form of marriages and starting families. I admire their decision and my best regards to their futures. On the other hand, I am still ambivalent about my own reality, whether I am under the conventional impressions of society, that have me feeling obliged and somewhat defined by whether or not I decide to have a baby. Then its not just the early years of its development but there is an actual life commitment, supposing you are expected to support another human being, re

Community of Comrades

Community isn’t necessarily always congruent with functional/efficiency. Sometimes the most tangent organisation terminates in perfect chaos. Perhaps we ascertain ourselves diverging from original thought, when our impressions of society are a myriad of affirmative, interrelated topics of a collective conscience. Culture is multifarious therefore, inadvertently juxtaposes contrasting concepts, which acts as a prompt for stimulating discussion. A mutual identification with a socio-economic/ political opinion is the foundation for building a secure society. Community constructs integral and primary communications which appropriates the integrity of our human welfare to the most beneficial of our application where it is incurred. It provides compassionate grounds for people who may have been compromised elsewhere in their individual lives. There are opportunities for leadership, independence and evolution; considering ethics conforming to dogma that may pursue to persuade others who are t


 It is still illegal to be homosexual in some parts of the world. Some might argue that being gay is more common in this period of human history because government authorities have manipulated our natural evolution by its subliminal avarice for control so we have turned retrograde about our future impressions of society. When people discuss sex, we usually assume the two assigned from birth (Male or Female) There is a rare condition whereby a person is born with attributes of both (a hermaphrodite) This appears more regularly in other species due to natural selection so I would maintain the idea that our sexuality is a more conscious thought in practice than a sentient vogue for ostentatious impressions.  Nuances in descriptions of orientation has perplexed the public, and calling someone 'gay' has become somewhat archaic. The usage of the word in old English once interpreted into "Happy." Archetypes of human beings such as Adam & Eve from the Christian Creationis


★When impatience strikes, affirm yourself that someone has felt as stressed as you too. ★Someone, somewhere, regardless of how ****ed up you believe your experience is, are most likely having a worse day than you. ★You are not the totality of cumulative opinion; the thoughts of others shouldn't occupy your existence so prominently and their choices shouldn't dictate the quality of your life. ★Who we pursue shows more about our self-opinion, how we value ourselves demonstrates how we might relate to the world around us. Association is situational. If someone approaches you, you cannot assume what their motivations are. Attention reveals individualistic maxims in all realities. ★Don't meditate/procrastinate what others have said too much, unless it is productive. Cogitating grandiloquent ideas in their own sphere of animosity, meanwhile you have probably thought more about what was communicated as they summoned to exert it. ★Besides, perhaps it is better to be considered mund

Healing a Healer

  What does Healing mean to you? “I found myself in a regenerative mess.  Time elapsing ruminations as I digress. Convalescence is the core of my progress. Self neglect and aversion to care I must confess. I wonder how to relieve this stress!” I once said that “healing” was perpetual progression requiring persistence and patience; from a pernicious path to pertinent preservation of a person who was vehemently patronised by a very prevalent issue which has affected the ubiquity of society… Aspects of Healing transmogrify the illusion of inadequacy through arbitrary xenophobia. Conditions such as PTSD and EDNOS usually originate from a memory that has attenuated from the organic essence of the conscience subject to perpetration that permissed these exploitations.  Sometimes the influx of repressed emotion can infringe upon the motives around Human Rights. I am saying that any form of Domestic Abuse is not and should never be acceptable. Everyone has their own story and every incident has