Contradictions to Conception
I don't usually write to persuade a winning opinion, or make myself compete for reasons of debate, since I believe everyone's view is valid and deserving of respect. As unbiased research and fair investigation entails with a broad assortment of comments, I think that we are conflicted when we attempt to admit any thing which may offend or provoke negative ideas, despite perhaps genuinely having faith in them. As the years have elapsed, I noticed my school friends take their relationships to the next stage, in the form of marriages and starting families. I admire their decision and my best regards to their futures. On the other hand, I am still ambivalent about my own reality, whether I am under the conventional impressions of society, that have me feeling obliged and somewhat defined by whether or not I decide to have a baby. Then its not just the early years of its development but there is an actual life commitment, supposing you are expected to support another human being, regardless of whatever those conditions necessitate.
Foremost, I am inescapably committed to myself, "ME" whom I am attempting to care for as it is. Financially, emotionally, physically... If I cannot "love" my self, then how may I be expected to LOVE any one else? I do not wish to pass poor genetics or philosophies to an infant whom has no alternative concept of reality. It isn't fair and my insights from the Bible imply that we "inherit the sins of our ancestors". The majority, if not all families regardless of variables, endure some type of conundrum, that frequently fall across these categories. Nonetheless, it is nice to feel that you have people around you who actually care about you generally, such as blood relatives, although children should never be spawned of fear that they lack love or purpose in their lives.
Who wants a constant reminder of your ex-spouse/partner in the event that you should for some reason ever separate. You should never have children to 'save' a relationship. Even marriage cannot confirm eternity to some couples yet many people prefer to legally commit before starting a family as a sacrament to the future. It is far from a pleasant experience for the child when the parents' relationship breaks down. Separate homes and schedules can traumatise a young mind and cause trust issues and difficulty building new relationships, since their primary memory of care derives from an untraditional model of functionality (abandonment issues). I am not projecting the thought that separated or single parents lack any integrity or capacity to provide the best to their child compared to parents living together. Custody battles should be avoided at any cost, and a child's safety should never be compromised.
Money. Time. Energy. All of that effort will be invested into their conscience. Their quality of life. What they experience is a formulation of whatever environment you create. They have very little choice about that. If you're partial to impromptu trips and developing your own projects then you'd be wise to postpone beginning a family. Besides you wouldn't consider having an only-child, would you?
They say what you don't know doesn't hurt, but some hard topics like Death and the state of affairs in the world will eventually be addressed, and when some children grow up they might harbour resentment and ruminate their existence. (Depression)
A child with special requirements such as Autism can cause additional stress within a family because the parent may feel guilt or disappointment in their ability to raise an 'ordinary' kid.
Bullying is nothing new unfortunately, and can severely deplete the child's confidence to advance in the greater world. Outside of school, the psychological torment continues as they feel unworthy and shameful. Technological progression like mobile phones and social media have expanded these channels which may lead to isolation and inadvertent, ironic communication breakdown.
What is so glamourous about having/wanting kids, before the parent has really come to understand a lot of their own life lessons and hard truths, invaluable knowledge that should be thoughtfully disclosed or likewise maintained secret, to their own offspring, until the right time calls for it.
When your toddler starts a tantrum in Tesco, you'll really question whether you were prepared for this sort of responsibility, in reality.
From another angle on this topic, I have always been Pro - Choice (on the recent subject of Abortion rights for women) No matter what the circumstances, a woman should never feel forced to keep a baby if the situation is not right for her, or she simply doesn't want it(!)