All Hallows Eve...Sorted! is a platform designed for streaming films and series specifically of the Horror genre, in addition to feauturing a live feed if you're ever stuck for inspiration as to what to watch. The theme is exclusively sinister and certainly not for the faint hearted, so if you have a squeamish side, you're preferences would return you to the likes of Netflix or YouTube(!)

I was actually directed via an advert on YouTube and it was this film that enticed my interest. From the name of the site, I quickly gathered that it attributes films of a dark nature and seeing as Halloween is quickly approaching, they're offering a 7 day free trial and then an annual subscription fee, similar to that like Netflix except you won't find any 'coming of age' or 'rom coms'. You will detect modes and ideas conceiving morals in relationships and conduct of ethics (Good VS. Evil, Life/ Death Scenarios etc.)

"The Cleansing Hour" is about a live broadcast from a macabre setting in a downtown part of USA, running a program with its own marketed brand of merchandise for its niche audience. A guest never arrives, so its up to one of the team members to step in and improvise for the sake of saving their global reputation, however the theatrics richochet when the female is possessed and all 'Hell' breaks loose, fires and flying objects, in the fight to find authenticity of faith as a means of legitimately exorcising the Demon.

I don't particularly enjoy Horror more than other movie genres, but if the production quality is good and there is decent acting in it, I won't pass on a psychological style with action violence incorporated - only just discovered this website but apparently its been in operation since 2015 already.

I am more inclined to binge on these types of movie...

Unfriended: Dark Web (2018)

Equally disturbing as a demon fuelled screenplay, but without the orthodox context - technologically advanced-stalker /serial murderer story, sequel to UNFRIENDED (2014)

I think there should be a separate category for the 'online' based division of this ficition. Allow me to elaborate with the following film...

CAM (2018)

Psychological Thriller about an affluent online performer/entertainer who inadvertently discovers the demise of her competition and gradually succumbs to torture and torment of harassment. May be one to put forward in the feminist debate in respect of professionalism and exploitation, or vulnerable inidividuals on the internet(?)

The Platform (2019)

Philosophically engaging film that makes you question you're own real life values; cannibalism and sadism. Questions of purpose, motivations and humanitarian belief systems. One to watch.