An Unconventional Life

How I learnt more from being remanded in prison than another year at university. Its pretty simplistic really, we are all in a perpetual metaphoric heaven or hell. My reasoning for this aspect is that whether we chose to or not, we are bound by the spirit of the divine by external factors we are unable to control. To my greatest surprise I was not about to embark on a potentially life changing journey, a trip I could no longer fathom to grip. This was the blitz of crossing ideas from energy exchanges, unkempt impressions, and a malnourished soul. Uncertain of where these passages presented to me, I could not for the life of me comprehend my own existence. Had it any purpose? Did it borrow from the mass of another's conscience. Had aesthetic value over taken my desire to escape from the reality of the dimension that had previously played out, was I totally lost and forever bemused? A creative mind and depth that had surely scarred my memory for eternity. No amount of thera...