The Human Experience

My life of late has felt like mission impossible. For every symbol of synchronicity occurring in my life, the more I begin to see the error of my thinking. It is true that there is no harm in having a critical mind, on the contrary it does reveal to us, within time, the dark patterns of our own behaviour. I have absolutely no doubt that all of our ideas and ambitions are somewhat shared, and there is an apparent power struggle for those trying to achieve and create the life of their dreams. We must remember, that whenever we absorb information, it buries and saturates itself into the subconscious, and can later cause detrimental effects on our day to day functioning, if taken too literally. So let us be mindful of the sort of activities we participate in and the kind of role models we chose to follow. I myself, have embarked on a journey that has opened up a world of opportunity, but also creativity and compassion. My religious studies have pushed me to the brink of sanity. I have v...